Custom SASS

Learn how to create your own style without changing Boomerang's core files so you can take advantage of future updates.

Creating new styles

Is highly recommended that all the customized styles to be stored only within assets/scss/core/_custom.scss file from the SASS folder so you can update this theme everytime with no effort.

Note When you update Boomerang, make sure you backup your files and not to ovveride the _custom.scss file, that may contain styles you created, with the empty one from Boomerang pack.

Working with variables

All the SASS variables are located in assets/scss/variables/_variables.scss.

All variables are well organized and grouped by sections/elements. We tried to make them as intuitive as possible. However, a little play around will be necessary in order to familiarize yourself.

Note We recommend not to modify the original _variables.scss file, but use the already created _custom.scss instead located in the same folder.

Copy and paste the variables or group of variables from the original file in _custom.scss and replace existing values with your new ones.

To learn more about how to use SASS and include it in your work envrionment, take a look at the official website